The pedagogical dimension of Polish folk theology and piety according to Edmund Bojanowski. An outline of pedagogical, ethnological and religious studies

Eugeniusz Sakowicz


Edmund Bojanowski became an integral part not only of the nineteenth-century history of the Catholic Church in Poland but also of contemporary reality. He left behind a rich archive of work that reflects his broad horizons and the depth of his thought, the originality and relevance (also today) of his plans and intentions that were always focused on the human being, particularly the child. He developed his pedagogical ideas, placing emphasis on the theoretical, practical and organisational foundations of the orphanages–kindergartens serving the integral development of children. This is why he established the congregation of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate. Bojanowski’s output consists of manuscripts, notes to publications (books and articles) by other authors both contemporary to him and earlier ones. Persistent in his search, tireless in preparing extracts of what he read, he collected materials pertaining to many different fields of science and culture, including folklore studies and history. The archival collections comprise “documents” about folk religious customs, draft hagiographies, formulas and texts of prayers exemplifying folk religiousness. He recorded accounts, legends, songs. Bojanowski’s own works and the materials he collected or documented are extremely valuable sources of knowledge and an important contribution to Poland’s cultural heritage in the times when Poland was not an independent country. He was the harbinger of national sovereignty to be attained through the education and upbringing of children. The folk theology that Bojanowski knew very well and the folk piety that he practiced were not only a “theological space” to him but also a special space for bringing up children and educating youth. The pedagogical dimension of Polish folk theology and piety was manifested in the educational system developed by Bojanowski. The originality and uniqueness of folk theology and piety were a challenge to Bojanowski and the congregation he established. The children under the care of the Sisters Servants were brought up in the “patriotic spirit” inspired by Polish folk theology and piety. The goal of education was to preserve the language, cultural heritage and, consequently, the national identity. Ultimately, education was to help in the regaining of independence for Poland. There was a number of educational aspects of folk beliefs, ritual and customs. Bojanowski’s orphanages also serve an ethnological purpose, uncovering, fostering and preserving everything that was precious in the folk theology and piety. Looking at the life of the common people, Bojanowski emphasised their self-confidence rooted in the richness of religious culture and ancient customs. The orphanages were designed to be guardians of family traditions and national customs. Bojanowski’s pedagogical theory and pragmatics are a challenge to modern pedagogy. Taking actions at the intersection of pedagogy, ethnology and religion is imperative today.


Edmund Bojanowski, Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate, orphanages, folk theology, folk piety, upbringing, education

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Sakowicz, E. (2020). Pedagogiczny wymiar polskiej ludowej teologii i pobożności według Edmunda Bojanowskiego. Szkic do badań pedagogiczno-etnologiczno-religijnych. Zeszyty Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, 60(4), 125–141.

Eugeniusz Sakowicz


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