Adversarial character of civil appeal proceedings – selected issues

Maciej Rzewuski


Among the particular branches of law, one can distinguish the so-called primary principles of law. They mirror the basic assumptions of a specific area of law. Adversarial principle is regarded as one of such principles within the field of civil proceeding. In the most general approach, the principle indicates the burden that rests on the parties – presenting factual situation and invoking evidence to support it. Under this rule, the cognition of civil court is limited solely to assessing the evidence introduced by parties and providing a suitable decision on this basis. Introduction of the adversarial principle ought to significantly contribute to creating a quick and efficient mechanism for bringing to justice based on evidence invoked by the parties. Winning the court case ought to constitute a reward for appropriate fulfillment of one’s law-imposed obligation to present rationale.


principles of law, adversarial principle, civil proceedings, appeal proceedings


1) Orzecznictwo:
- Resolution of Supreme Court of 5th February 1997, I CKU 81/96, Legalis
- Resolution of Court of Appeals in Białystok of 12th September 2000, I PKN 28/00, LEX no. 47170
- Resolution of Court of Appeals in Białystok of 30th September 2008, II CSK 167/08, LEX no. 465950
- Justification of Supreme Court ruling of 28th February 1935, III C 1217/34, Legalis
- Resolution of Supreme Court of 27th June 1953, CPrez 195/52, Legalis
- Resolution of Supreme Court of 5th November 1997, III CKN 244/97, LEX no. 31759
- Resolution of Supreme Court of 10th December 1997, II UKN 394/97, LEX no. 31994
- Resolution of Supreme Court of 7th October 1998, II UKN 244/98, LEX no. 44488
- Resolution of Supreme Court of 11th December 1998, II CKN 104/98, LEX no. 50663
- Resolution of Supreme Court of 15th July 1999, I CKN 415/99, LEX no. 83805
- Resolution of Supreme Court of 10th February 2000, II UKN 391/99, LEX no. 1218245
- Resolution of Supreme Court of 12th December 2000 V CSK 175/00, OSP 2001, no. 7-8, pop. 116
- Resolution of Supreme Court of 12th December 2000, V CKN 160/00, LEX no. 536986
- Resolution of Supreme Court of 12th December 2000, V CKN 175/00, LEX no. 49418
- Resolution of Supreme Court of 7th November 2003, I CK 176/03, LEX no. 151620
- Resolution of Court of Appeals in Poznań of 29th December 2003, I ACa 1457/03, OSA 2005, z. 3, pop. 12
- Resolution of Court of Appeals in Białystok of 20th February 2004., I CK 213/03, LEX no. 520016
- Resolution of Court of Appeals in Białystok of 30th June 2004, IV CK 509/03, LEX no. 585869
- Resolution of Supreme Court of 20th December 2005, III CK 121/05, LEX no. 188116
- Resolution of Supreme Court of 4th January 2007 V CSK 377/06, OSP 2008, no. 1, pop. 8
- Justification of Supreme Court ruling 4th October 2007, V CSK 188/07, LEX no. 485901
- Justification of Supreme Court ruling of 7th May 2008, II PK 307/07, LEX no. 490351
- Resolution of Court of Appeals in Białystok of 11th February 2011, II UK 273/10, LEX no. 817530
- Resolution of Supreme Court of 12th May 2011, III CSK 238/10, LEX no. 964473
- Resolution of Court of Appeals in Białystok of 10th May 2012, II PK 215/11, LEX no. 1313658
- Resolution of Supreme Court of 25th May 2012, I CSK 380/11, LEX no.1254616
- Resolution of Court of Appeals in Białystok of 29th October 2013, I ACa 186/12, LEX no. 1388762
- Resolution of Court of Appeals in Białystok of 20th May 2014, III AUa 1912/13, LEX no. 1473665
- Justification of Supreme Court of 2nd July 2015, V CSK 624/14, LEX no 1303705
- Resolution of Supreme Court of 9th March 2016, II CSK 248/15, LEX no. 1446225
- Resolution of Supreme Court of 19th February 2002, IV CK 3/02, LEX no. 564819
- Resolution of Supreme Court of 13th February 2004, IV CK 24/03, LEX no. 64225

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Rzewuski, M. (2020). Kontradyktoryjność postępowania apelacyjnego – wybrane zagadnienia. Zeszyty Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, 60(3), 101–118.

Maciej Rzewuski


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