The institution of the State’s liability for detrimental acts of officials – do today binding legal orders give effective (legal and judicial) protection to the victim and the State? – some remarks on German, Polish and European Union law from Roman law p

Agata Krygier


The institution of State’s liability for detrimental acts of officials has its roots in ancient legal systems, especially in Roman law. Due to the fact that the Romans did not recognize the State as the legal person in today’s meaning, it clearly explains why a guilty official (lat. magistratus) bore personal liability for damage caused in exercising his duties. In this legal system the State completely protected its interests while the victims could only sued some of guilty magistrates what it did not guarantee them (i.e. the vicitims) effective (legal and judicial) protection. Over centuries, the institution has gradually evaluated from magistrate’s personal liability to the State’s liability (i.a. in Germany and in Poland). Nowadays, scholars and practising lawyers ponder over if binding provisions in both countries give effective (legal and judicial) protection for detrimental acts of officials: the victims against the State on the one hand and the State against the deliquent official on the other hand. It seems that there are no so many doubts about the victim’s protection, what it cannot be said in relation to the protection of the State’s interests. It is also interesting how this institution functions in the European Union? Because of the fact that the institution of the State’s liability, and in particular its effectiveness, is widely discussed in legal community, the main aim of the author is to take an attempt to answer the question which is posed in the topic.


Roman law, European Union law, German civil law, Polish civil law, tort law, State’s liability for detrimental acts of officials, legal and judicial protection, victim’s interest and State’s interest


Legal Acts:

Beamtenstatusgesetz of 17th June, 2008 (with amendments).
Bundesbeamtengesetz of 5th February, 2009 (with amendments).
German Civil Code of 18th August, 1896 (with amendments).
Polish Civil Code of 23rd April, 1964 (Dz.U. No. 16, item 93 with amendments).
Polish Penal Code of 6th June, 1997 (Dz.U. 1997 No 88, item 553 with amendments).
The Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany of 8th May, 1949.
The Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 2nd April, 1997 (Dz.U. No. 78, item 483).
The Public Functionaries’ Financial Liability for Flagrant Breaches of Law Act of 20th January 2011 (Dz.U. 2011 No 34, item 173).


Francovich v Italy; C-6/90 (1991).


The judgment of Polish Constitutional Tribunal of 4th December 2001, SK 18/00 OTK 2001, No 8, item 256.


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Agata Krygier


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