Marek Dudek


Ludwig van Beethoven was a man always looking for his own path. As an artist, he was able to overcome stereotypes and introduce his listeners to feelings, thoughts and states of mind which went beyond their awareness. His works removed boundaries of musical literality, not infrequently becoming a record of experiences of ordinary people. The accompanying enthusiasm and aesthetic innovativeness reflected the composer’s interests which oscillated around numerous fields of science, ranging from philosophy, literature, religion, technology to political and social issues. From the beginning, he was a self-taught composer, fascinated by changeability of the world. His intention was to draw upon it as much as possible and to express as much on the pages of his scores. He suffered but he knew how to win. Though he was lonely, he touched millions. He amazed to the last, never losing the curiosity of a child.


Beethoven, philosophy, literature, science, technology, politics, social issues, classicism, romanticism

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Byrne Lorraine, Goethe: Musical Poet, Musical Catalyst. Proceedings of the Conference Hosted by the Department of Music, Carysford Press, Maynooth, 2004.
Clive Peter, Beethoven and His World: A Biographical Dictionary, Oxford University Press, New York 2001, s. 189.
Dennis David B., Beethoven at large: reception in literature, the arts, philosophy, and politics, Glen Stanley (red.) [w:] The Cambridge Companion to Beethoven, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2000, ss.292-305.
Fabra Władysław, Listy wybrane Ludwika van Beethovena, Dom Książki Polskiej, Warszawa 1927.
Hulewicz Witold, Przybłęda Boży: Beethoven: czyn i człowiek, Księgarnia św. Wojciecha, Poznań 1827.
Kant Immanuel, 1993, Prolegomena do wszelkiej przyszłej metafizyki, która będzie mogła wystąpić jako nauka, PWN, Warszawa 1993.
Kinderman William, Beethoven, University of California Press, Los Angeles 1995.
Lockwood Lewis, The Music and Life of Beethoven, W. W. Norton, New York 2003. Łobaczewska Stefania, Beethoven, PWM, Kraków 1977.
Marek George R., Beethoven. Biografia geniusza, Ewa Życieńska (przekł.), Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, Warszawa 1997r.
Mastroianni Thomas, Beethoven / Kant Time and Space, December 14, 2010 <http://www.thomas> (dostęp: 8 grudnia 2015).
Rolland Romain, Życie Beethovena, PWM, Kraków 1973. Rumph Stephen, Beethoven after Napoleon: Political Romanticism in the Late Works, University of California Press, Los Angeles 2004.
Schindler Anton Felix, Beethoven as I Knew Him, Donald W. MacArdle, (trans.), Dover Publications Inc., New York 1966.
Anton Felix Schindler, The Life of Beethoven (1840 ed), translated by I. Moscheles, Mattapan, Massachusetts 1966).
Sipe Thomas, Beethoven: Eroica Symphony, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1998.
Solomon Maynard, Late Beethoven: Music, Thought, Imagination, University of California Press, Berkeley 2003.
Swafford Jan, Beethoven: Anguish and Triumph, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Boston 2014.
Vera Hugo Carlos, 2003, De “lo sublime” en Kant y en La Música de Beethoven <http://www.ucc. edu. ar/paginas/filosofia/public_alumnos/Kant-Beethoven.pdf> (data dostępu: 20.12.2015).


Dudek, M. (2020). LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN ARTYSTA W KRĘGU FILOZOFII, LITERATURY, RELIGII, TECHNIKI I SPRAW POLITYCZNO-SPOŁECZNYCH. Zeszyty Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, 60(1), 65–86. Retrieved from

Marek Dudek 


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