Andrzej Kasperek


What is suggested in the article is an analysis of the spirituality of people practicing the minimalist lifestyle. The author treats this type of spirituality as a case of new spirituality. The anti-consumerist nature of minimalism is emphasized in the conducted analyses. At the same time, an attempt is made to specify the conditions for thinking about the possibility of anti-consumerist (new) spirituality exemplified by minimalist spirituality. Special attention is drawn to the issue of similarities between minimalism or minimalist spirituality and Zen Buddhism.


minimalism, minimalist spirituality, anti-consumerist spirituality, new spirituality, Zen Buddhism

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Kasperek, A. (2020). MINIMALISTYCZNA DUCHOWOŚĆ JAKO PRZYKŁAD ANTYKONSUMPCJONISTYCZNEJ DUCHOWOŚCI. PERSPEKTYWA SOCJOLOGICZNA. Zeszyty Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, 59(4), 71–88. Retrieved from

Andrzej Kasperek 


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