Mariusz Zemło


Despite the fact that Florian Znaniecki was adamantly opposed to the sociology of knowledge, he provided many fundamental principles thanks to which he, on academic reflection, had strengthened its position. The following text provided the ideas thanks to which this founding father of sociology enriches the way in which we perceive how knowledge is connected with society. In this fashion we try and discover, the scholar, whose texts are analysed in the article and who brought a constructive research scenario for sociology using the very same approach with which he opposed it. Those who interpret Znaniecki’s views by studying his achievements within the sociology of knowledge mainly focus on his scientific knowledge considering that it was in these fields that he made the greatest discoveries (which is true nonetheless) albeit concluding that other kinds of knowledge do not necessarily find their place in his interests. The main focus of the author of the article however was not concentrated on scientific knowledge but on common sense knowledge with the aim to prove that even for scholars it is meaningful. Through his achievements as per himself, Znaniecki uncovered aspects connected with this kind of knowledge and on the basis of him failing to create a somewhat mutual picture of his sociology of common-sense knowledge. This image was not supposed to be decisive as it was not the intention of the author of the article, but it was supposed to show the defining key points. Given that Znaniecki himself critiqued many sociologists who were involved in the sociology of knowledge, his criticism was strengthened with references made by the author in The social role of the man of knowledge, to the goals of the tradition within the discipline itself to avoid any doubt as to the fact that we are dealing with blurred boundaries in the sociology of knowledge. Above all, it is worth mentioning that all of the key elements mentioned, do not extend beyond the boundaries of sociological interpretation, in spite of Znaniecki’s thinking that through this manner of approach we are dealing with what gives them their unmistakable sociological character.


Florian Znaniecki, sociology of knowledge, common-sens knowlegde


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Zemło, M. (2020). FLORIANA ZNANIECKIEGO SOCJOLOGIA WIEDZY POTOCZNEJ – ZARYS PROBLEMATYKI. Zeszyty Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, 59(4), 149–164. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.kul.pl/index.php/znkul/article/view/11353

Mariusz Zemło 


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