Katarzyna Cieplińska


The Knotted Cord, published in 1953 both in London and New York, was the first novel written in English by a Pole, Jerzy Pietrkiewicz. The author related to the conventions of contemporary British novel, which made the book a success. The Catholic outlook – full of axiological dualism – was one of the elements, which made the book closer to the sensibility of a reader brought up within the Anglosaxon culture. Strongly emphasised religious plot in the Knotted cord only confirms the thesis that Pietrkiewicz made an attempt to enter British literature as a Catholic writer, as Catholic novel was one of the characteristic trends of literature in the 50. of the XX century in the United Kingdom.


The Knotted Cord, Jerzy Pietrkiewicz, Brithish catholic novel

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Cieplińska, K. (2020). „THE KNOTTED CORD” JERZEGO PIETRKIEWICZA NA TLE BRYTYJSKIEJ POWIEŚCI KATOLICKIEJ. Zeszyty Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, 56(4), 65–81. Retrieved from

Katarzyna Cieplińska 


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