Scapegoat Supremacy in Social Work: Interpretation of the Role of the Victim in the Light of René Girard’s Anthropology

Tomasz Adamczyk

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The article presents the phenomenon of scapegoat supremacy in the light of René Girard’s anthropology. The French anthropologist described the mechanisms of dealing with crises and mechanisms channeling violence in primitive societies. To some extent, his conception also allows us to understand contemporary individual and social behaviours, including violence and the process of creating scapegoats. The theoretical part of the article is supplemented with conclusions drawn from practitioners’ experience (social workers, psychologists, therapists). These experiences underlie a description and definition of the phenomenon of scapegoat supremacy, highlighting how they play specific roles related to various benefits – both material and non-material – from the situation of being a victim.


scapegoat, social work, social problems, violence, René Girard

Supporting Agencies:

social work, victim goat, René Girard, violence, social problems

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Adamczyk, T. (2022). Supremacja kozła ofiarnego w pracy socjalnej. Interpretacja roli ofiary w świetle antropologii René Girarda. Zeszyty Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, 65(4), 143–157.

Tomasz Adamczyk
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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