Narrative as Creation of Social Reality. The Case of Lope de Aguirre in the Context of the Expedition of Pedro de Ursúa 1560–1561

Andrzej Tarczyński

Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy , Poland


This article presents a particular case of the creation of social reality through the prism of accounts drawn up ex post, in most cases by participants in the reported events. They describe the story of an expedition that set out from Peru in September 1560 under the command of Pedro de Ursúa in search of a rich land called “Omagua and El Dorado”, which soon turned into a rebellion led by Lope
de Aguirre. The rebellion leader’s crossing of successive legal, moral, social and cultural boundaries provided the ground for the interpretation of these actions and Aguirra himself by the authors of the accounts. The sheer number of surviving accounts (15 are now known to have been published in print), unparalleled in the history of other exploration and conquest ventures of the New World
in the 16th century, appears to be a singular circumstance. Reference is also made – although this is not the main focus of the text – to interpretations of Lope de Aguirre’s character and actions several hundred years later. The aim continues to be to show the practices of interpreting social reality in this particular case, where the actions performed seem to question and challenge the established social order (in this case, shaped by the colonial conquest of Hispanic American society).


narrative, social structure, rebellion, deviance, colonialism

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Tarczyński, A. (2024). Narracja jako kreacja rzeczywistości społecznej. Przypadek Lope de Aguirre na tle historii wyprawy Pedra de Ursúi 1560–1561. Zeszyty Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, 67(1), 105–128.

Andrzej Tarczyński
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy


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