Individuals Developing with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Their Quality of Life and Health Components Affecting It. Autism Self-Advocates’ Perspective

Maja Drzazga-Lech

University of Silesia , Poland

Monika Kłeczek

Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Dzieciom i Osobom Dorosłym z Zespołem Aspergera oraz Zaburzeniami Pokrewnymi „AS" , Poland


In this paper, we present qualitative data on autistic adults who defined themselves as autism self-advocates. For us, they play the role of social experts. It was important that the participants of our research had developed self-awareness, as it was required to formulate generalisations about their neurodevelopmental minority. The main goal of our study is to construct a model which illustrates the subjective quality of life and its health components, as indicated by research participants. The results presented are critical for autistic people, their caregivers, therapists, co-workers and employers.


autism spectrum disorder, quality of life, self-advocate, social expert, qualitative sociology

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Monika Kłeczek 
Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Dzieciom i Osobom Dorosłym z Zespołem Aspergera oraz Zaburzeniami Pokrewnymi „AS"


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