About the Journal

‘KUL Research Bulletin’ (abbreviation: KULRB) is a quarterly journal published since 1957 by the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin.

Ministry of Science and Higher Education scoring: 70 points. Databases where the journal is indexed: Google Scholar; Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH); Database of humanities journals (BazHum).

In 2020, ‘KUL Research Bulletin’ was assigned to the core discipline, which is: sociological sciences, and publishes texts in the field of sociology of values and broadly understood social and cultural axiology. This means that the quarterly journal only accepts articles which analyse the results of research on values, e.g. from the point of view of their function, relations between axiological categories and interests, behaviours or social activities, including in Central and Eastern Europe. The perspective of axiological research is inherently extensive and varied, and that is why the editors of KULRB are open to the application of interdisciplinary approach in texts sent by authors, but mainly in the field of social sciences.