Globalization, Identity and Values by Robert Wuthnow

Anna Daszewska

Szkoła Językowa „AZS” w Szczytnie , Poland


The purpose of the following article is to present the concept of globalization, identity and values of American society based on the work of the sociologist of religion and culture, Robert Wuthnow. The Director of the Center for the Study of Religion from Princeton University in the United States describes the issue of globalization, presents four phenomena of international integration, juxtaposes homogeneity with cultural diversity, points out three ways of maintaining diversity and new opportunities for religion in the era of globalization. Next, the American sociologist presents the characteristics of American identity, the identity of Christian churches in America, and the connection of identity with religious faith and moral order. In discussing the concept of values, the researcher juxtaposes conformity with individualism, draws conclusions for the future, presents the role of values in public life, the meaning of personal narratives in social life, and the importance of small groups as communities of values in sustaining the vitality of the religious life of Americans.


globalization, identity, values, community of values

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Daszewska, A. (2021). Globalizacja, tożsamość i wartości w ujęciu Roberta Wuthnowa. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Nauk Społecznych Z Siedzibą W Lublinie, 10(1), 145–156.

Anna Daszewska 
Szkoła Językowa „AZS” w Szczytnie