Work and free time among the life values of Slovaks

Ondrej Štefaňak

Uniwersytet Konstantyna Filozofa w Nitrze, Wydział Filozoficzny, Katedra Filozofii i Politologii, ul. Hodžova 1, 949 01 Nitra, Słowacja , Slovakia


For sociology of work and sociology of leisure time is very interesting question of how important are such values as work or leisure time for contemporary people? They are looking for an answer to  a question, what is the place of these values among other values of everyday life? The above-mentioned scientific disciplines are interested also in the differences in this matter between particular categories of the population due to demographic or social characteristics (e.g. sex, age, education, place of residence, region, etc.). The presented empirical study tries to answer these and other questions. It is, among other things, based primarily on the results of representative sociological research of the life values of Slovaks from 2019 (This work was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contract No. APVV-16-0116).


leisuretime, life values, Slovakia, work

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Ondrej Štefaňak 
Uniwersytet Konstantyna Filozofa w Nitrze, Wydział Filozoficzny, Katedra Filozofii i Politologii, ul. Hodžova 1, 949 01 Nitra, Słowacja

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