Museum of the Loreto Sisters’ Publishing House

Joanna Szady

Instytut Historii, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


A museum devoted to the memory of Blessed Rev. Ignacy Kłopotowski is being built in the building of the Loreto Sisters’ Publishing House in Warszawa-Rembertów. The permanent exhibition, which has been prepared for several years, is to popularize not only the above mentioned figure and the publishing activity of the founder of the Congregation, but also to promote the culture of printed word on the basis of the presented museum’s resources. The figure of I. Kłopotowski was exposed in the museum in terms of his personal involvement in journalistic and printing work, as well as his spiritual message, which has been realized in publishing work by the congregation of the Loreto Sisters up to the present day. In this way, visitors will learn about the biographical theme in its social dimension, which was a work of evangelization through the printed word, promotion of reading habits and raising the cultural and educational level in light of changing political conditions. The museum will also offer an opportunity to see the technical conditions and effects of the publishing house’s activities in the form of exhibition sets consisting of printing machines, equipment and specialist (typesetting, printing and bookbinding) tools or selected copies of books and newspapers. The exhibition is enriched by technically modern forms of data presentation, which diversify the process of reception of information contained in the museum concept. The Museum of the Loreto Sisters’ Publishing House thus fits into the current trend of visualizing the historical past, which is noticeable in the area of church museums, where the exhibits and material souvenirs of the past together with the applied multimedia solutions create a story that is valuable in many respects. Making the museum accessible to a wide range of audiences will enrich the church’s museum offer, promoting the resources of the historical heritage of the Church in terms of religious, spiritual and educational values.


Museum of the Loreto Sisters’ Publishing House, Rev. Ignacy Kłopotowski, the Loretan Sisters, Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Loreto

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Szady, J. (2020). Muzeum Wydawnictwa Sióstr Loretanek. Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 113, 395–406. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.10014

Joanna Szady 
Instytut Historii, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

dr hab. historii
