Source potential of materials of the Orthodox journal Religious-Scientific Bulletin (Alexandr Kujawski – Szczipiorno, Poland) in 1921-1923

Julia Golubnicha-Slenchak



Article analyses the thematic content of world’s first Ukrainian-speaking orthodox journal Religious-Scientific Bulletin which was published by Saint Protection Brotherhood of 6th Sich Rifle Division of UPR Army interned initially at the camp Aleksandriv Kuiavskyi, and later at Shchypiorno (1921-1923). The journal illustrated many different materials from religious-philosophic pieces to historical reviews. Bulletin had a regular column “Chronicle” which gave valuable information not only about church life in Ukraine but also in entire Christian realm. Phenomenon of the bulletin lay in the fact that it had a tolerant attitude towards all the religions and beliefs, which wasn’t a usual thing for other Christian periodicals. Religious-Scientific Bulletin managed to involve a wide range of teachers, scientists and publicists from different European countries into collaboration thus gaining a worldwide recognition.


Religious-Scientific Bulletin, camp, orthodox journal, The UPR Army, interned

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Golubnicha-Slenchak, J. (2020). Potencjał źródłowy materiałów ukraińskiego czasopisma prawosławnego Religijno-Naukowy Wistnyk (Aleksandrów Kujawski-Szczypiorno) w latach 1921-1923. Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 113, 169–186. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.10002

Julia Golubnicha-Slenchak 

absolwentka Uniwersytetu Borisa Grinchenko w Kijowie
