A visit of French Bishops to Poland in 1924 in the light of materials deposited by Cardinal Dubois (1856–1929) in the Historical Archives of the Diocese of Paris


In the early 1920s, the Polish exile in France had a population of over one hundred thousand. It consisted mainly of Poles from Galicia and Polish miners from Westphalia. They treated their stay in France as temporary, and therefore demanded that Polish priests provided pastoral care. Its installation was only possible in consultation with the French church authorities. In order to sign the relevant agreement, the Polish bishops invited French bishops to visit Poland in 1923. The visit took place in June 1924 under the leadership of Archbishop of Paris. The archives of the Diocese of Paris contain materials describing this event, which were submitted by Cardinal Dubois. By reading their contents, one can learn more about the reactions of the French party during and after the visit to the Second Polish Republic.


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Kłakus, M. (2020). Visite des évêques français en Pologne en 1924 à la lumière de dossier déposé par le Cardinal Dubois dans les archives historiques du diocèse de Paris. Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 113, 221–236. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.10005

Michał Kłakus 

dr historii Kościoła
