“Pastoral Survey of 1930” and “Pastoral Report for 1930” and the role of these documents in the planned social and religious renewal in the Kielce diocese during the interwar period

Grzegorz Bujak

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


This article reviews the preserved fragments of two questionnaire surveys con­ducted in the Kielce Diocese over the years 1930-1931 in the context of the religious renewal in that area after World War I. The measures implemented in this respect after 1918 were expressed to the fullest extend in the decisions of the diocesan synod of 1927. One of its elements was to systematically observe the socio-religious changes by appointing a Commission of Faith and Customs in the curia. It was supposed to supervise the implementation of the synodal renewal plan in the Diocese. On the basis of surveys and other instruments, it was to determine the needs in respect of pastoral care at the level of the entire Diocese and individual parishes. Upon the establishment of the Catho­lic Action, which had been developed as a supra-diocesan organisation aimed at conducting a nationwide programme of religious renewal, the earlier local project was not continued. Consequently, the two questionnaire surveys dis­cussed herein, much as they had not been fully preserved, constitute the most extensive testimonies thereof.


Kielce Diocese, pastoral survey, interwar period, Fr. Zygmunt Pilch, social and religious life

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Bujak, G. (2020). „Ankieta duszpasterska z 1930 r.” oraz „Sprawozdanie duszpasterskie za rok 1930” i ich rola w planach odnowy życia społeczno-religijnego w diecezji kieleckiej w okresie międzywojennym. Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 114, 67–82. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.10345

Grzegorz Bujak  grzegorz.bujak@kul.pl
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

dr hab. historii, prof. KUL
