A new Source for the History of the Synod of the Uniate Church in Zamość: Basilian Diary of Protoarchimandrite Antoni Zawadzki (25 August–18 September 1720)

Ihor Skoczylas

Ukraiński Uniwersytet Katolicki we Lwowie , Ukraine


The subject of this publication is an excerpt from the diary of Father Antoni Zawadzki, a protoarchimandrite of the Basilian Order, found by the late Prof. Ihor Skoczylas. The source belongs to the collection of Orthodox Bishop Paweł (whose proper name was Prokop Dobrochotov), deposited in the Scientific and Research Archive of the St Petersburg Institute of the History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The text of the diary, in Latin and Polish, refers to the events of the Provincial Synod in Zamość in 1720 (25 August–18 September), which is why its editor called it the Diary of the Synod of Zamość. It was published in accordance with the contemporary principles of editing historical sources, and is preceded by an extensive introduction discussing the text and introducing Father Antoni and the historical context of related events. The diary belongs to the written narrative sources created en masse among the clerical and lay elite of the Kyiv Metropolitan Archdiocese. It is an act of public law and an official document of the Basilian Order, and its text consists of chronicler’s notes on the events of the synod, descriptions of its sessions and deliberations, Zawadzki’s activities as the protoarchimandrite of the Order, documents and correspondence of the Roman Curia and the Basilian Order and official decrees of the protoarchimandrite regarding administrative, economic, pastoral and financial matters.




Basilians, protoarchimandrite Antoni Zawadzki, diary, 1720 Synod of Zamość


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Ihor Skoczylas  ihorskoch@ucu.edu.ua
Ukraiński Uniwersytet Katolicki we Lwowie