Sources for research on the Josephine reforms in Galicia (1782-1848) in the Viennese archives

Gregor Ploch


As part of an international, historical research project entitled Cultural heritage of dissolved monasteries in the territories of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and in Silesia in the 18th and 19th centuries: fate, significance, inventory carried out in 2012-2016 under the supervision of Prof. Marek Derwich, I conducted a series of queries in the Viennese archives in order to identify and comprehensively study the archives related to the dissolution of monasteries and collegiate churches in Galicia. The main focus of the research was the extensive Stiftungshofbuchhaltung sub-set and the Signatur 102 sub-series. Stifte und Klöster: Galizien, stored in the Österreichisches Staatsarchiv. I finished the elaboration of these collections with monographic publications. In this article, I also present further archival collections, which, due to time constraints and volume of the material, I was only able to view at random. These are the so-called files on Galician domains and other post-Jesuit files found in the Österreichisches Staatsarchiv. I conducted further research in the archives of the Order of the Society of Jesus and the Benedictines in Vienna, whose archives are of interest to us. In addition, in the article, I refer to research issues related to the archival structure, errors and inaccuracies in nomenclature, as well as scarce interest in the history of the Austrian central administration, and I outline research postulates. One of them is the lack of documentation of Galician domains (clergy and state-owned ones). This hitherto unknown resource is a fun­damental historical source. The conducted research contributes to the full study of Galician church archives kept in the collections of the Viennese archives.


dissolution; orders; Galicia; Josephinism; Austria, archives, Vienna; Josephine dissassinations in Galicia; history of the Church in Galicia in the 18th and 19th centuries; Österreichisches Staatsarchiv; Stiftungshofbuchhaltung; central court administration in Vienna

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Ploch, G. (2021). Źródła do badań nad kasatami józefińskimi w Galicji (1782-1848) w archiwach wiedeńskich . Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 116, 331–350. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.11853

Gregor Ploch  gploch@aon.at