Clergymen Ordained in Lublin by Przemyśl Bishop Maciej Drzewicki (28 II 1506)

Anna Łosowska

Archiwum Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej , Poland


This article demonstrates the list of seventy-three clergymen who were ordained by Przemyśl Bishop Maciej Drzewicki in Lublin in 1506. The majority of the ordained came from the area of Lublin Archdeaconry and this is the first publication of that documentary proof that has been unrecognised in literature so far. The list has survived in the books of Przemyśl bishops, which means that in similar documentary proofs various pieces of information extending beyond the boundaries of one diocese may be found. It has been confirmed that the procedure of ordaining and preparatory activities for clerics to be set up for this celebration (examinations) were typical for all dioceses regardless of their location. In the field of granting commission, the secular patronage prevailed to be mainly represented by local noble families. The lists of the ordained, among whom also the clergymen from various dioceses may be found, is comparable to the research on distribution of the lower clergy in the territory of the Republic of Poland.  


Middle Ages, priestly orders, clergy, documents


Łosowska, A. (2021). Duchowni wyświęceni w Lublinie przez biskupa przemyskiego Macieja Drzewickiego (28 II 1506). Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 100, 245–264. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.11959

Anna Łosowska 
Archiwum Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej