„Varia” – a forgotten magazine of the students of the Catholic University of Lublin

Barbara Centek

Zakład Wiedzy o Prasie, Instytut Informacji Naukowej i Bibliologii UMK w Toruniu , Poland


In the academic year 1983/1984, the students of the second year of history of the Catholic University came up with an idea of establishing their own journal titled „Varia”. Its main initiators were Miroslaw Filipowicz and Adam Hlebowicz; later Wojciech Zajączkowski joined them. The magazine was duplicated in the Department of Canon Law of the Catholic University of Lublin, where Filipowicz was assigned to be on duty. The magazine circulation was approx. 30 copies and it was distributed among the students of the second year, student hostel residents and regulars of the reading room of History at  the Catholic University. As estimated by one of the creators of the magazine, it was a group of about fifty people. The journal was not intended to criticize the then authorities as the Security Service took interest in them. The creators of the magazine were checked, but finally the operational activities were discontinued.


„Varia”, history of the Catholic University of Lublin, Institute of History of the Catholic University of Lublin, student journal, Security Service, student hostel


Centek, B. (2014). „Varia” – zapomniane czasopismo studentów KUL. Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 101, 111–120. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.11980

Barbara Centek 
Zakład Wiedzy o Prasie, Instytut Informacji Naukowej i Bibliologii UMK w Toruniu