The catalogue of directories and schematisms of the female and male religious orders from the area of historical lands of the Polish Republic in the years 1690-2008 in the collection of the Library of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin [...]

Edyta Chomentowska


Full title:

The catalogue of directories and schematisms of the female and male religious orders from the area of historical lands of the Polish Republic in the years 1690-2008 in the collection of the Library of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, ‘ABMK’ 100 (2013), pp. 55-179. Errata of the major errors in the text


order, catalogue, history, errata


Chomentowska, E. (2014). Katalog rubrycel i schematyzmów zakonów męskich i żeńskich z obszaru historycznych ziem Rzeczypospolitej za lata 1690-2008 w zbiorze Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, „ABMK” 100 (2013), s. 55-179. Errata [.]. Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 101, 383–384. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.11992

Edyta Chomentowska