The history of the development of the Catholic parish network in the Diocese of Tiraspol in the 19th century based on the materials from the State Archive of the Odessa District

Natalia Dianowa

Katedra Historii Ukrainy na Wydziale Historii Państwowego Uniwersytetu w Odessie , Ukraine


The article presents the documents found in the National Archive of the Odessa District. The documents concern a network of Catholic parishes and religious life. Several fonds contain archival materials referring to churches built in Odessa and clergy encouraged to work among the German settlers, and registry books of some parishes. The last ones are a valuable source for determining social origin and the countries from which the settlers arrived. Some of the materials also concern relations with the Orthodox Church, which has a dominant position in the Russian Empire. Archival materials fill in the gaps in already known sources and publications on Catholic parishes on the south coast of the Black Sea.


parishes, the Diocese of Tiraspol, the 19th century, the Roman Catholic Church, the Odessa District


Dianowa, N. (2015). Historia rozwoju katolickiej sieci parafialnej w diecezji tyraspolskiej w XIX w. na podstawie materiałów Państwowego Archiwum Obwodu Odeskiego. Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 103, 33–38. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.12024

Natalia Dianowa 
Katedra Historii Ukrainy na Wydziale Historii Państwowego Uniwersytetu w Odessie