15th-17th-century prints from the former chapter and vicars’ book collections in the library of Minor Basilica of the Holy Virgin Mary in Wiślica and the inventory of the Chapter library of Wiślica of 1682

Piotr Kardyś

Studium Historii Diecezji Kieleckiej , Poland


There are already several detailed studies of historical books of the collegiate of Wiślica, the authors of which, if possible, tried to reconstruct its history and the fonds, beginning with the foundation of canon group equipped with handheld liturgical books and ending with the analysis of inventories from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries. In this context, the library of the Chapter of Wiślica appears to be an exception in comparison with the poorly processed and identified collegiate collections. The inventory and analysis of the historical remains of the library resulted in new discoveries, allowing to complement the knowledge of the library at the collegiate of Wiślica functioning in the Old Polish period. What is especially valuable is the discovery of two incunabula, not recorded in previous studies on the library of Wiślica. Another important thing is the survival of at least 18 manuscripts of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. One more valuable source located in the parish archive is the inventory of the chapter library of 1682. Also in this case, we can identify some of the existing manuscripts which were included in the previously unknown inventory. It thus turns out that, despite the plundering of the collegiate church in 1656 and later (during which the most valuable books were regularly plundered), the remains of the former chapter and vicars’ libraries remained in their place.


antique books, Minor Basilica of the Holy Virgin Mary, book collection, library, chapter, vicars


Kardyś, P. (2015). XV-XVII - wieczne druki z dawnych księgozbiorów kapitulnego i wikariuszy znajdujące się obecnie w bibliotece Bazyliki Mniejszej NMP w Wiślicy oraz inwentarz biblioteki kapituły wiślickiej z 1682 roku. Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 103, 87–104. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.12029

Piotr Kardyś 
Studium Historii Diecezji Kieleckiej