A monastic scapular

Elwira Warda

Biblioteka Uniwersytecka KUL , Poland


In the Benedictine rule, a monastic scapular was initially used as an apron protecting a habit during physical work. With the establishment of the Cistercians, it became an integral part of religious clothing. A scapular was adopted, among others, by the Benedictine monks and nuns, the Brothers Hospitallers of St John of God, the Dominican monks and nuns, the Camaldolese monks and nuns, the Capuchin Tertiaries, the Carmelite monks, the Carthusians, the Mercedarians, the Pauline Fathers, the Brothers Comforters of Gethsemane, the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, the Trinitarians, the Servite Order and the Albertine nuns, the Augustinian nuns, the Bernardine nuns, the Bridgettines, some Franciscan nuns, the Capuchin nuns, the Discalded Carmelite nuns, the Poor Clares, the Congregation of the Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto, the Congregation of Sisters Shepherdesses of Divine Providence, The Piarist Sisters, the Congregation of the Nursing Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows, the Congregation of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


scapular, habit, male religious orders, female religious orders

Encyklopedja kościelna wyd. przez Michała Nowodworskiego, t. XXVII, Warszawa 1904, s. 518-522.

Encyklopedja powszechna, t. XXIV, nakład S. Orgelbranda, Warszawa 1867, s. 640-641.

Łoziński Bogumił, Leksykon zakonów w Polsce, Warszawa 1998.

Łoziński Bogumił, Konecki Krzysztof, Nasi księża, nasi zakonnicy, nasze siostry, Włocławek 1999.

Marecki Józef, Zakony w Polsce, Kraków 2000.

Podręczna encyklopedya kościelna, red. Zygmunt Chełmicki, t. XXXVII-XXXVIII, Warszawa 1913, s. 376-382.

Wanat Benignus Józef, Zakon karmelitów bosych w Polsce, Kraków 1979, s. 21-26.


Warda, E. (2016). Szkaplerz zakonny. Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 105, 345–352. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.12072

Elwira Warda 
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka KUL