“Dyrekcya zakonnego życia” – an unknown treatise from 1744 on the monastic formation of Benedictine novice nuns

Jolanta Gwioździk

Wydział Humanistyczny Uniwersytetu Śląskiego , Poland


In 1744, Joanna Sybilla Reytanówna, a Vilnius Benedictine abbess, published a book entitled “Dyrekcya zakonnego życia” (“Directions on Religious Life”). The tome comprises a collection of practical texts which were useful in the all-day formation of novices, hence it primarily contains specific teachings on various ways of improving life in the convent. The teachings are accompanied by appropriate prayers. The practical nature of the book can also be presumed given its small format, which means it could be read in any situation – all the more as the recommended exercises had to be performed throughout the activities planned for the entire day, following the rhythm of life in the monastery. The basic group of issues addressed in “Dyrekcya zakonnego życia” was related to specific methods of structuring the community life. The book presents a practical link between every activity and the spiritual realm, e.g. teaching distinct methods of meditation and spiritual conversation. It also provides instruction on imitating the Benedictine ‚virtues’ broken down into separate months as well as on practising excellence (broken down into days of the week). In her treatise, Joanna Sybilla Reytanówna referred both to the formation ideals pursued in the Chełmno congregation and the teachings and prayer customs promoted by Benedictines, former convent confessors and other ascetic authors. As a result, she managed to compose a unique compendium aimed at facilitating religious formation in a convent, which, at the same time, presents the ideals of monastic life in the Vilnius community.


Vilnius Benedictine Sisters, Joanna Sybilla Reytanówna, novitiate, religious formation

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Gwioździk, J. (2021). „Dyrekcya zakonnego życia” – nieznany traktat z 1744 roku o formacji monastycznej nowicjuszek benedyktyńskich. Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 115, 109–129. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.12346

Jolanta Gwioździk 
Wydział Humanistyczny Uniwersytetu Śląskiego

dr hab., prof. UŚ
