Gratulare Sion alma. Unknown office of St. Catherine of Alexandria

Czesław Grajewski

Instytut Historii Sztuki UKSW Warszawa , Poland

Małgorzata Pęgier

Instytut Historii UKSW Warszawa , Poland


The article is a pioneering editing of a breviary Office of St. Catherine of Alexandria Gratulare Sion alma, from a breviary of the Benedictine Abbey in Saint-Savin en Lavedan, on the France – Spain border. The breviary is kept in the City Library in Toulouse (manuscript 73). The Office was not included in Analecta Hymnica, while Repertorium Hymnologicum only contains its incipit, which was noted by U. Chevalier based on the printed Breviarium Grassense (Toulouse 1513). As the Office is present in the 15th century part of the manuscript from Saint-Savin en Lavedan, one may suppose that it is the oldest known source of Gratulare Sion alma. The Office has a Benedictine form, and to a large extent it is an original work. Almost all antiphons and most responsories seem to have been created locally and do not have their counterparts in other liturgical sources. The manuscript 73, which is described here, is not the only existing breviary from Saint-Savin en Lavedan. There is also an earlier, two-volume breviary from the same Abbey, kept in the City Library in Bagneres-de-Bigorre (manuscripts 31 and 32, 14th century), but it does not include any Office of St. Catherine.


St. Catherine of Alexandria; The Divine Office; breviary; liturgy


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Grajewski, C., & Pęgier, M. (2022). Gratulare Sion alma. Nieznane oficjum o św. Katarzynie z Aleksandrii . Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 118, 107–125. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.12898

Czesław Grajewski  graczes@yahoo.com
Instytut Historii Sztuki UKSW Warszawa https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2692-8232
Małgorzata Pęgier 
Instytut Historii UKSW Warszawa

assistant professor  at Cardinal Wyszyński University in Warsaw
