Describing, digitalizing and making available the photographs related to Rev. Franciszek Blachnicki’s work in the Central Archives of the Light-Life Movement

Robert Derewenda

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


The photograph collection illustrating the work of Rev. Franciszek Blachnicki accumulated in the Central Archives of the Light-Life Movement is the largest devoted to this person. The Archives is part of the Rev. Franciszek Blachnicki Institute, which preserves the legacy of Rev. Blachnicki and disseminates his thought. The collection of the photographs consists of a series of positive prints, slides, plates and albums. The photographs were arranged and appropri­ately described. Additionally, the photographs, slides and plates were digitised in a suitable resolution for printing. The direct holder of the collection is the Publishing House „Światło-Życie”, which have published numerous books on the work of Rev. Franciszek Blachnicki. Magazines, Internet portals and or­ganisers of events devoted to Rev. Blachnick have also been interested in the collection. Furthermore, the photographs have been used in films about the priest. The Light-Life Movement founded by Rev. Blachnicki is constantly growing and the interest in its founder is still alive.


Rev. Franciszek Blachnicki, the Central Archives of the Light-Life Movement, non-textual documentation, photographs

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Wilczyńska Grażyna, Wychowawca wolnych ludzi, Kraków 2018.

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Derewenda, R. (2021). Opracowanie, digitalizacja i udostępnianie fotografii związanych z działalnością ks. Franciszka Blachnickiego w Archiwum Głównym Ruchu Światło-Życie. Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 117(specjalny), 49–66. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.13193

Robert Derewenda  robertderewenda@wp.pl
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1096-5052