Archival development of photographs in National Digital Archives: Case studies on examples of fonds and collections on church topics

Katarzyna Kalisz

Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe , Poland


The holdings of National Digital Archives include photographs taken and col­lected by photo agencies, Polish leading professional photographers, photo­journalists and amateur photographers. Photographs stored in archive can be a separate groups and can be also parts of other fonds of files. In my article I will discuss the topic of archival fonds (collections) containing only photo­graphic documentation. The methods of proceeding with archival materials are regulated by nor­mative acts of the director of the Head Office of the State Archives: directive no. 7 of 30 January 2018 regarding registration of archival holdings in state archives and also directive no. 8 of 30 January 2018 about registration of ar­chival fonds and creating and accepting of inventories for fonds (collections) in state archives. The directive no. 3 of NDAP of 9 September 2019 regarding rules of archival arrangement and developing of photographic documentation in state archives orders especially the method of processing of photographs. Photographic collections should have records. When the condition of pho­tographs raises doubts, and also makes troubles during digitalization, it’s re­quired to consult qualified conservator and, if needed, perform conservation. Recording and digitalization, with simultaneous repackaging to protective packaging are the next steps of work on archival fond (collection). Also the ar­chival value of processed materials is rated during those works. The introduc­tion to archival inventory contains information complementary to possessed knowledge about materials in fond (collection) and about their author (maker of collection). For all those works is best to use Integrated System of Archival Information (Zintegrowany System Informacji Archiwalnej, ZOSIA). In National Digital Archives are stored archival fonds and collections re­garding church topics. In my article they are discussed due to interesting con­tent, method of archival developing and description, issues of copyright and possibilities of further usage by users of archival holdings and rating of archival value. Those fonds are mainly: 3/19/0 Collection of photos regarding church celebrations of Millennium of Polish Baptism, 3/43/0 Photographic archive of Stanisław Porembski, 3/76/0 Collection of photos regarding beatification celebration of priest Jerzy Popiełuszko in Warsaw, 3/78/0 Collection of digital copies of photos regarding Benedictine abbey in Tyniec, 3/82/0 Collection of Marian Romaniuk regarding Primate of Poland cardinal Stefan Wyszyński.


photographic documentation, photographs, archival photographs, processing of photographs, photographic archive, inventarisation of photo-graphs, archival unit, photographic object, copyright, rating of archival value

Archiwum Dokumentacji Mechanicznej. Przewodnik po zasobie fotografii 1840-2004, oprac. J. Boniecki, Warszawa 2005.


Kalisz, K. (2021). Opracowanie fotografii w Narodowym Archiwum Cyfrowym. Uwagi do zespołów i zbiorów o tematyce kościelnej . Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 117(specjalny), 147–168. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.13258

Katarzyna Kalisz  katarzyna.kalisz@nac.gov.pl
Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe