Military Pastoral Ministry in the Chełmno Diocese in the Years 1850–1873
Marek Jodkowski ks.
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn , Poland
The article is devoted to the garrison pastoral ministry in the area of the Chełmno Diocese in 1850–1873, the period of its membership in the Prussian state. Given the unquestionable importance of the Prussian army in perpetuating the security and stability of the state, ensuring religious participation was among the important factors in the military formation. For this reason, permanent pastoral care was extended to garrison cities, which included Gdańsk, Grudziądz and Toruń. Soldiers stationed in military units located in the Catholic diaspora area, i.e. in Iława, Ostróda, Prabuty, Susz and Zalew, among others, also had the opportunity to receive the sacraments through the ministry of non-local chaplains. Spiritual care for the soldiers was provided mostly by priests from civilian parishes. Full-time chaplains of the Prussian army were employed in the Diocese of Chełmno quite sporadically at that time.
Prussian army, Diocese of Chełmno, military chaplaincy, garrisons, military chaplains, West PrussiaReferences
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sygn. I. HA Rep. 76 IV, Sekt. 2, Abt. VIII, Nr. 1, Bd. 1-3.
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University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
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