Tricks – cooperation between Irena Gombrowicz and the “Ostoja” publishing house. Analysis of documents collected in the Archives of the Archdiocese of Poznań

Aleksandra Gąsowska

Uniwersytet Warszawski , Poland


The article describes the cooperation of Irena Gombrowicz with the Ostoja publishing house in Poznań. An analysis of the materials collected in the Archdiocese Archives in Poznań allowed me to establish one of the pseudonyms of the author of the theatre play. At her request, the published texts were signed with the abbreviation made of the first letters of the first and last name – Irgo. In 1933-1935, five works were published in the series “Biblioteka Wieczornicowa” and the series “Theatre for Women’s Youth”: First Prize, I serve, From the past to the future, Gifts of friendship and Friend. The author shows the value of the community in them. He commends commitment and dedication. The theatre plays are made to order; they are tailored to the modest possibilities of youth theatres. The author’s style is characterized by a kind of discreet irony directed at opponents, non-believers and naive and straightforward girls. Gombrowiczówna, much earlier than Witold, makes writing a way to earn money. He writes in accordance with his conscience, shaped by the religious milieu of Cecylia Plater-Zyberkówna. The archival research findings allow us to take a broader look at the Gombrowicz family, to describe the environment in which Witold Gombrowicz’s literary taste was also shaped, and to find analogies between his infantile rebellion and Irena’s didacticism.



Irena Gombrowicz, Ostoja publishing house, „Teatr dla Młodzieży Żeńskiej”, „Biblioteka Wieczornicowa”, Polish Youth Association, theatre play, teaching literature, Catholic press


Archiwum Archidiecezjalne w Poznaniu (AAP)

sygn. WO 192, Teczka korespondencji wydawnictwa „Ostoja” z lat 1932-1935.

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Irgo [Gombrowicz Irena], Przyjaciółka, Teatr dla Młodzieży Żeńskiej nr 43, Poznań 1935.

Irgo [Gombrowicz Irena], Służyć chcę, w: L. Wrzesiński, Poświęcenie sztandaru, Biblioteka Wieczornicowa nr 5, Poznań 1934, s. 56.


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Gąsowska, A. (2023). „Sztuczki” – współpraca Ireny Gombrowicz z wydawnictwem „Ostoja”. Analiza dokumentów zgromadzonych w Archiwum Archidiecezjalnym w Poznaniu. Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 120, 197–220. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.13779

Aleksandra Gąsowska  aleksandragasowska@gmail.com
Uniwersytet Warszawski https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8140-3594