St. Bernard’s church and monastery in Mstislav

Andrei Miacelski

Instytut Historii Narodowej Akademii Nauk Białorusi , Belarus

Aleg Trusau

Białoruski Państwowy Uniwersytet Kultury i Sztuki , Belarus


The monks of the Bernardine Order appeared in Mstislavl at the beginning of the 18th century, but the monastery of the order in the city was founded only in 1727 thanks to the help of the local gentry. The original church and the monastery building were wooden, and the wooden church existed until 1821, when it was replaced by a new stone one, built somewhat apart from the original one. The original church is known thanks to visitations, and the church built in the early 19th century is known not only because of written descriptions and preserved plans, but also because of archeological investigation of its ruins.

The residential monastery complex was always in one place, although it was also reconstructed at the end of the 18th century. Not only do its visitations and archaeological research give an idea of it, but some of its basements can still be accessed today. After the suppression of the uprising of 1830–1831, the church and monastery of the Bernardine Order in Mstislavl were closed and stood unattended for a long time, although both the Orthodox Church and the military claimed their buildings. During the fire of Mstislavl in 1858, the Bernardine church was severely damaged, was taken away by the Orthodox Church and a project was developed to convert it into an Orthodox church. But in the late 60s – early 70s of the 19th century, a new Orthodox church was built on the site of the residential building of the Bernardine monastery, and the church was dismantled at the request of the Orthodox Church.



Mstislav, St. Bernard, Church, Monastery, Orthodox Church


Arhiv naučnoj arheologičeskoj dokumentacii Instituta istorii NAN Belarusi

(Архив научной археологической документации Института истории НАН Беларуси)

Ed. hr. 974d., Trusov O.A. Arheologičeskij otčët o provedenii raskopok na territorii pamâtnikov arhitektury byloj cerkvi Aleksandra Nevskogo v g. Mstislavle v avguste-sentâbre 1986 g.

Ed. hr. 1077, Trusaў A. A. Spravazdača ab pravâdzennі arhealagіčnyh dasledavannâў ў lіpenі 1988 g. na pomnіku arhіtèktury HІH st. byloj carkvy A. Neўskaga ў g. Mscіslave Ed. hr. 1145v., Trusaў A.A. Spravazdača ab pravâdzennі arhealagіčnyh dasledavannâў u lіpenі 1989 g. Kn. 1

Lietuvos Mosklu Akademijos Bibliotekas Skyrius (LMABS).

F. 16. Bibl. 127. Sbornik materialov,kasaûŝihsâ topografičeskogo opisaniâ uezdov Mogilëvskoj gubernii za 1784 g.

Nacionalny Gistaryczny Archiw Belarusi (NGAB).

F. 1297. Op. 1. Sygn. 6523. Delo po otnošeniû stats-sekretarâ Bludova o sobranii svedenij o rimsko-katoličeskih monastyrâh i ob uprazdnenii ih.

F. 1297. Op. 1. Sygn. 7450. Delo po otnošeniû stats-sekretarâ Bludova o sobranii svedenij o rimsko-katoličeskih monastyrâh i ob uprazdnenii ih. Delo po predpisaniû Mogilevskogo graždanskogo gubernatora ob otdače zamli prinadležaŝej Mstislavskomu bernardinskogo monastyrû dlâ postrojki učiliŝnogo na onoj doma.

F. 1729. Op. 1. Sygn. 45. k. 469–471 v. – Akt testamentu postfataiego milosci Theodora Borodzieja.

F. 1781. Op. 26. Sygn. 1395 – Vizity bernardinskih monastyrej Vitebskoj, Mogilevskoj gubernij za 1818 god.

F. 1781. Op. 26. Sygn. 1407 – Opisi imuŝestvennyh dokumentov bernardinskih monastyrej Vitebskoj, Mogilevskoj gubernij za 1820 god.

F. 1781. Op. 26. Sygn. 1411 – Vizity bernardinskih monastyrej Vitebskoj, Mogilevskoj gubernij za 1823 god.

F. 1781. Op. 28. Sygn. 22 – Cmety i vedomosti o kapitalʹnom remonte kostelov i postroek novyh zdanij dlâ nih.

F. 2001. Op. 1. Sygn. 137 – Delo o uprazdnenii Mstislavskogo bernardinskogo monastyrâ, mestečka Mstislavlâ.

F. 2001. Op. 1. Sygn. 138 – Delo o uprazdnenii Mstislavskogo karmelitskogo monastyrâ, mestečka Mstislavlâ.

F. 2001. Op. 1. Sygn. 732 – Delo o požare proizošedšem v gorode Mstislavle 4 iûnâ 1858 g.

F. 2001. Op. 1. Sygn. 1026 – Delo o vybore mesta dlâ postrojki cerkvi v m. Mstislavle.

F. 3157. Op. 1. Sygn. 10 – Perepiska s Ministerstvom prosveŝeniâ, mogilevskim gubernatorom i Mogilevskoj direkciej učiliŝ o zakrytii duhovnyh i učreždenii svetskih učiliŝ v g. Orše i Mstislavle.

F. 1355. Op. 1. Sygn. 721 – Èkonomičeskie primečaniâ na 339 dač, opisanie g. Mstislavlâ i alfavity dač i vladelʹcev.

F. 173. Op. 1. Sygn. 524 – Delo o perestrojke bernardinskogo kostela v g. Mstislavle v pravoslavnuû cerkovʹ s proektom.

F. 797. Op. 11. Sygn. 29152 – O peredače v pravoslavnoe vedomstvo uprazdnennogo monastyrâ bernardincev v Mstislavle s cerkovʹû i stroeniâmi.

F. 797. Op. 36. OtdelenieIV. Sygn. 246 – Po otnošeniû mogilevskogo gubernatora o postrojke v Mstislavle Afanasʹevskoj i Kazimiro-slobodskoj cerkvej.

F. 822. Op. 12. Sygn. 2593 – Vizity Mogilevskoj eparhii 1816 goda.


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Andrei Miacelski 
Instytut Historii Narodowej Akademii Nauk Białorusi https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3254-2747
Aleg Trusau  kafistbel@gmail.com
Białoruski Państwowy Uniwersytet Kultury i Sztuki https://orcid.org/0009-0005-0280-5069