The Introduction of Catholic Norms in the Eastern Churches United with Rome: The Question of Consent in Marriage (17th – Early 20th Century)

Bernard Heyberger

School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences , France


Sacramentary theology is one of the areas where the contact of the Eastern Churches with Rome, from the 17th century, had the greatest impact on their doctrines and rituals. Marriage in particular has undergone significant conceptual changes, which have had a long-term influence on society. While the definition of marriage at the Council of Trent makes the exchange of consent the very “form” of the sacrament, the matrimonial union is conceived in the East as a process, beginning with the agreement between two families, and ending with the religious ceremony which unites the two spouses. The consent of the latter is not required, or is verified at the time of the agreement between the families. Marriage consists of the blessing of the priest. The canonical texts of the Maronite and Melkite Churches, and concrete cases, allow us to understand the gap between Roman teaching on the sacrament and local compromise.


marriage, sacrament, Catholic Church, Maronite Church, Melkite Church, Council of Trent


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Heyberger, B. (2024). L’introduction des normes catholiques dans les Eglises orientales unies à Rome: la question du consentement dans le mariage (XVIIe – début XXe). Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 122, 85–102. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.16660

Bernard Heyberger  bernard.heyberger@ehess.fr
School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences https://orcid.org/0009-0001-3028-5532