Materials on the History of Neo-Union in the State Archives of Volyn Oblast

Rev. Oleksandr Fedczuk

Volyn Theological Seminary UOC , Ukraine


This article delves into the Neo-Union, a religious movement that emerged in interwar Poland starting from 1924, particularly gaining ground in the Volhynian Voivodeship by 1925. Its focus lies in analyzing the materials sourced from the security department of the Volhynian Voivodeship Office stored in the State Archives of Volyn Oblast (Lutsk, Ukraine), aiming to glean insights into the Neo-Union movement. The significance of this study is underscored by the dearth of scholarly exploration on this subject, as well as the limited research on the Neo-Union’s progression in Volhynia overall. Through the examination of archival materials, it becomes evident that while the fonds do not contain an extensive array of documents relevant to the history of Neo-Union, the ones present hold significant value. These materials encompass descriptions of Neo-Union parish development and evaluations of the movement by the voivodeship government and starosta offices. Particularly notable are documents vividly portraying the Neo-Union clergy, predominantly comprised of former Orthodox priests, who are deemed instrumental in the waning of the Neo-Union movement in Volhynia. Moreover, the qualitative study of individual Uniate parishes that emerged in the 1930s necessitates the utilization of documents from the aforementioned archival collection. These records provide indispensable insights into the dynamics and evolution of Neo-Unionism within the region.


Neo-Union, Orthodox Church, Volhynian Voivodeship, head of powiat (starosta), Bishop Adolf Szelążek

Archive sources

State Archives of Volyn Oblast, Fonds 46, Inventory 9.

File 983. Correspondence with starosta offices about Uniates and the Orthodox Church, 67 sheets.

File 1853. Information from starosta offices on the activities of religious parishes, 111 sheets.

File 1868. Personal file of priest Euzebiusz Slozko-Dorogiński, 20 sheets.

File 1889. Lists of Greek Catholics living in the powiats of the Volhynian Voivodeship, 14 sheets.

File 3044. Personal file of priest Witalis Sahajdakowski, 18 sheets.

File 4129. Correspondence with starosta offices on the supervision of Greek Catholic priests’ activities, 20 sheets.

File 4419. Monograph of the East Slavic rite in the territory of the Vilna Voivodeship, 33 sheets.


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Fedczuk, R. O. (2024). Materials on the History of Neo-Union in the State Archives of Volyn Oblast. Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 122, 55–68. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.17085

Rev. Oleksandr Fedczuk  ol_fedchuk@ukr.net
Volyn Theological Seminary UOC https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8494-9066