The statute and regulations of St Anne Brotherhood in Warsaw in 1946

Łukasz Krucki

Archiwum Archidiecezjalne w Gnieźnie , Poland


Taking over the Archdiocese of Warsaw, joined with the Archdiocese of Gniezno by a personal union, in 1946, Primate August Hlond desired to renew religious and moral life of its faithful (primarily students and people connected with the academic environment) who lived in the war-damaged capital. To achieve this aim he restored St Anne Brotherhood with its tradition dating back to the 16th century and granted it the legal status corresponding with the current church law. He personally made amendments in the bill of 8 December 1946. Work on the bill lasted several months, until 30 September 1947. Thanks to that, St Anne Brotherhood had a legal basis and the support of the Primate of Poland. As a result, it could function among academic and intellectual circles of the capital; it could also propagate Catholicism and form the proper environment for the revival of Christian morality in society depraved by the occupation reality. These tasks were not easy ones, especially when taking account of the post-war reality of the communist state in Poland.


church brotherhoods, statutes and regulations of brotherhoods, Catholicism, August Hlond, St Anne Brotherhood, the Catholic intelligentsia, academic chaplaincy

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Krucki, Łukasz. (2019). Statut i regulamin Bractwa św. Anny w Warszawie z 1946 r. Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 111, 147–160. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.2019.111.08

Łukasz Krucki 
Archiwum Archidiecezjalne w Gnieźnie https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2972-9113