The modern Polish market of the medallic and numismatic works. A special significance of the medals and coins devoted to St John Paul II

Dominik Maiński

Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II , Poland


Among people making up the market of coins and medals in contemporary Poland are well-qualified collectors having deep knowledge about acquired objects, investors and casual collectors. Particular emotions are aroused while coins and medals devoted to John Paul II are purchased; their price frequently exceeds the real value of the item. There are a lot of places where you can buy coins and medals: bricks-and-mortar shops, online shops, auctions, markets (including flea markets) and church institutions. These items can also be bought directly from the author of the design. The Polish Mint, as the most prestigious institution producing coins and medals in Poland, has its own bricks-and-mortar shop. It is advisable to buy well-preserved objects. The particularly popular coins among collectors are the old Polish ones. Thematic groups which are collected are as follows: World War II, flora and fauna or John Paul II. There is also a lively interest in coins issued abroad. In addition, there is a  new growing trend towards collecting well-preserved circulating coins and mint error coins. Rather than paying attention to coins’ artistic values, collectors focus on their market value, the theme, the low number of the issued items and the metal from which they are made, thus the original coins or medals can be purchased for the amount not higher than a few thousand zlotys. Numerous catalogues and price lists, also regarding the papal theme, are helpful materials in compiling the collection. It must be noted that in the literature, there are no monographs analyzing the iconography of coins and medals, and their stylistic features.


a coin, a medal, an original medal, numismatics, medallic art, a collector, John Paul II, a mint, mint money bags, mint error coins

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Dominik Maiński 
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8220-3332