The efforts of the Greek Catholics from Zielona Góra to find their own church

Grzegorz Wanatko

Muzeum Ziemi Lubuskiej w Zielonej Górze , Poland


Due to post-war deportations, mainly the Operation Vistula in 1947, a considerable group of the Ukrainian minority, including the Greek Catholics came to the Lubusz district. They were deprived of the possibility to conduct the religious practices in their rite until 1956. The events which occurred in Poland in 1956 enabled them to erect a parish and to celebrate their Greek Catholic services in Latin churches. In Zielona Góra that situation persisted for several decades, as the Greek Catholic community did not possess their own church. The first unsuccessful attempts to acquire a church were made in the 1980s and were continued in the 1990s. And then the Greek Catholics from Zielona Góra decided to organize their own church by adapting an ordinary building. The implementation of this undertaking lasted over 20 years. Attempts to acquire a building were made by the parish along with the local Board of the Zielona Góra Association of the Ukrainians in Poland, as the acquired building was intended for religious and cultural needs of the Ukrainian minority. The talks were held with the regional and municipal authorities. Most suggested buildings could not be accepted due to their poor condition or location. At the beginning of the 21st century, the town offered the building of the former Brieger’s winery. The parishioners accepted the proposal despite the fact that it required extensive renovation and reconstruction. The first renovation works began in 2003 and lasted until 2008. The consecration of the Greek Catholic church (Boduena Street) took place on 11 October 2008.  In this way, the goal was achieved and the parish concentrated on adapting the new House of God.


the Greek Catholics, Zielona Góra, a Greek Catholic church, the Care of the Virgin Mary Parish

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Grzegorz Wanatko 
Muzeum Ziemi Lubuskiej w Zielonej Górze https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7546-6599