Schematisms of the Pinsk Diocese of Pinsk (1926-1939)

Marek Hałaburda

Wydział Historii i Dziedzictwa Kulturowego; Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II Kraków , Poland


The Diocese of Pinsk was established in 1925. The diocese was founded by virtue of the papal bulla of Pius XI ‘Vixdum Poloniae unitas’ coming from 28 October, 1925. The bulla was implemented by virtue of the decree of the apostolic nuncio in Poland Wawrzyniec Lauri ‘Quam favente Deo’ coming from 11 December, 1925. Zygmunt Łoziński, who was the bishop of Minsk at that time, became the ordinary of the created unit of church administration on Borderlands. The first bishop of the new diocese was not only responsible for quick organization of institutions necessary for functioning of bishopric in Pińsk, but he was also responsible for offering pastoral help to priests and official church publishing houses. The publishing house together with the diocesan printing house started working in the diocesan curia in 1926. In the same year the first schematism of the Diocese of Pinsk was published for 1926 (worked out at the end of 1925). The print was introduced to the circulation in 1926. Since that time lists of churches and clergies of the Diocese of Pinsk were published annually until the break-out of the Second World War (1926-1939). The purpose of this article is to present issues connected with schematisms of the Diocese of Pinsk form a source point of view, and it is about delivering essential information about the source, about its beginning, supply, essential contents, development and evolution during the discussed period in the first place. The author has consciously decided not to discuss the issue of values of schematisms as a historic source. An analysis of this problem will be undertaken in a following publication discussing diocesan schematisms as a basic source presenting history of the Catholic Church on Borderlands.


bishop Zygmunt Łoziński, diocese, list, Pinsk, schematism

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Hałaburda, M. (2019). Schematyzmy diecezji pińskiej (1926-1939). Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 112, 151–166. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.2019.112.08

Marek Hałaburda 
Wydział Historii i Dziedzictwa Kulturowego; Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II Kraków https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3801-9378