The book collection of the canons and curates of the Tarnów Collegiate Chapter of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century) in the library of the Tarnów seminary

Jolanta Marszalska

Instytut Nauk Historycznych Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego , Poland


When the Tarnów collegiate church was established (1400), a reference library necessary for pastoral work was amassed. The collection contained the Bible, commentaries on biblical texts, philosophical and theological treatises, and books helpful in preaching, including treaties in the field of polemic theology. It grew steadily in size, especially thanks to gifts and bequests made by the Tarnów canons. Among the books of the Tarnów canons are two significant and valuable collections (due to their interesting bindings), which belonged to Szymon Starowolski and Erazm Marcinowski. These are works in the fields of history, preaching, law, biblical literature, and above all, liturgy. They are printed in Latin and come chiefly from foreign publishing houses: Paris, Antwerp, Basel, Venice, Rome and Verona.

In addition to the chapter library, there was also the library amassed by the college of curates, an institution established on 10 July 1458 and assigned to the collegiate church in Tarnów. The books collected by the college of curates were useful aids in parish pastoral work, as evidenced by the large number of sermons, homilies, all kinds of thesauruses, and above all, the Bible. This library was used primarily for preaching sermons on Sundays and throughout the liturgical year. Over time, the books of the college of curates were incorporated into the library of the collegiate chapter, and then into the library of Tarnów cathedral. In the nineteenth century, when the library of the Tarnów seminary was established, the books of the collegiate curates were given to the seminary book collection, where they are still today.


Tarnów, collegiate church, canons, collegiate chapter, curates, library

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Jolanta Marszalska 
Instytut Nauk Historycznych Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5112-5984