A cross we do not know

Alina Czachorowska

Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego , Poland

Jolanta Wasilewska

Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego , Poland


Throughout centuries a number of crosses appeared. They had different forms, meanings and symbolism. In prehistoric times, a cross was an amulet, it protected against evil powers, but it also symbolized deities. Crosses were usually connected with the cult of nature forces, particularly fire, the sun and life. Crosses were worn, tattooed, drawn and painted on rocks; they were made of various materials: stone wood and metal. Before a cross became a symbol of Christianity, it had been identified with an instrument of torture, as the worst of all. After the death of Christ, a cross became one of the most important symbols of Christianity. A cross as a sign of salvation is also an attribute of numerous saints, whose lives were connected in a special way with it. In addition to the forms of a cross associated with religions, a number of non-religious variations exist. It is the common custom to award people ‘crosses’ for outstanding services stemming from patriotism, scientific and social achievements. In a time of pop culture, a cross also appeared in the compositions of infographics, and even company logos.


a cross, a crucifix, images of a cross

Barber Malcolm, Templariusze, Warszawa 1999.

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Janicka-Krzywda Urszula, Patron atrybut symbol, Poznań 1993.

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Korabiewicz Wacław, Krzyż Koptyjski i jego naśladownictwa, Warszawa 1976.

Lurker Manfred, Przesłanie symboli w mitach, kulturach i religiach, Kraków 1994.

Medalik Krzyż św. Benedykta, oprac. J. Gwiazda, Warszawa 2017.

Nersessian Vrej, Treasures from the Ark: 1700 years of armenian christan art, London 2001

Order Virtuti Militari, red. nauk. K. Filipow, G. Jasiński, Warszawa 2013.

Ramanûk Mìhas', Belaruskìâ narodnyâ kryžy: managrafìâ, Vìl'nâ 2000.

Sepioł Alfred, Krzyż – znak wiary i kultury, Jasło 2013.

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Czachorowska, A., & Wasilewska, J. (2018). Krzyż jakiego nie znamy. Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 109, 75–93. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.2018.109.05

Alina Czachorowska 
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego

mgr historii; kustosz w Bibliotece Uniwersyteckiej KUL

Jolanta Wasilewska 
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego

mgr historii sztuki; starszy kustosz dyplomowany w Bibliotece Uniwersyteckiej KUL