Archiwum parafi i rzymskokatolickiej w Klimontowie

Tomasz Dywan

Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego , Polska


The parish in Klimontów (Diocese of Sandomierz) has an archive, which stores various documents concerning the history of this institution. The materials from this archive were rarely used by historians. Only the ones who dealt with regional history were interested in the above mentioned materials. A parish priest from Klimontów Wawrzyniec Kukliński (1828-1912) published the content of the most important documents in the years 1909-1911. This content was the basis for writing an amateur treatise on the history of the town, where in 1626 the parish was erected. From the beginning of the twentieth century, the documentation stored at the parish church was damaged, some materials were lost. The author therefore undertook the effort to professionally organize the archival materials that are stored in the parish of Klimontów. Two fonds: Documents of the Roman Catholic Parish in Klimontów (documents since 1626) and Parish registers of Klimontów (since 1667) are connected with the parish offi ce. These two fonds were divided into individual archival units, mainly based on chronological criteria. Apart from the materials closely related to the activities of the parish, the archive includes an incomplete collection of the documents which belonged to the monastery of the Dominicans in Klimontów. That collection was brought to the parish archive in unclear circumstances, possibly just after the dissolution of the monastery in 1901. It is a closed fond, which includes diverse documents from the years 1418-1863. It should be noted that this fold also contains a signifi cant number of documents relating to the salaries of the parish in Olbierzowice, the patronage of which was granted to the monastery of the Dominicans under Jan Zbigniew Ossoliński’s foundation privilege of 1613.The parish archive also includes the books which are the remnants of the once prosperous parish library.

Słowa kluczowe:

Klimontów, dominikanie, archiwum, parafia, klasztor, inwentarz, katalog



Dywan, T. (2014). Archiwum parafi i rzymskokatolickiej w Klimontowie. Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 102, 5–43. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.12001

Tomasz Dywan 
Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego