Salezjański wotywny kościół Matki Bożej Ostrobramskiej we Lwowie. Historia i dzień dzisiejszy

Waldemar Witold Żurek

Ośrodek Archiwów, Bibliotek i Muzeów Kościelnych KUL , Polska


The Metropolitan Archbihop of Lviv of the Latin Rite Bolesław Twardowski (1854- 1944) was the founder and the initiator of the construction of the Church of Our Lady of Ostra Brama in the district of Lviv - Górny Łyczaków. The votive church dedicated to the Mother of Mercy was to be a symbol of gratitude for the return of Lviv and Eastern Galicia to their homeland after years of captivity. Started in 1931, the construction of the church was completed and on 7 October 1934, Archbishop Twardowski consecrated it. After that ceremony, at the residence of the archbishop the votive church was given to the Salesians of the Province of St. Jack in Cracow. The Church of Our Lady of Ostra Brama was a rectoral church in the parish of St. Anthony where the Salesians carried out pastoral ministry until 4 June 1946. In 1989, the church was taken over by the Salesians of the Byzantine-Ukrainian Rite where in 1992, the parish of the Protection of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos (Pokrov) was erected.

Słowa kluczowe:

historia Kościoła, Kresy Wschodnie, salezjanie, historia salezjan w Polsce



Żurek, W. W. (2021). Salezjański wotywny kościół Matki Bożej Ostrobramskiej we Lwowie. Historia i dzień dzisiejszy. Archiwa, Biblioteki I Muzea Kościelne, 102, 391–409. https://doi.org/10.31743/abmk.12014

Waldemar Witold Żurek 
Ośrodek Archiwów, Bibliotek i Muzeów Kościelnych KUL