Religious Conversion and Paradigm Shift


Department of Logic, Institute of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Al Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin, Poland , Poland


This paper examines the problem of the applicability of Thomas Kuhn’s notion of paradigm and its revolutionary shift to the explication of the concept of religious conversion. The inquiry first addresses the epistemological view of religious faith in terms of its justification. It is pointed out that both faith and scientific theory do not meet the requirements of the so-called classical definition of knowledge. The second part includes a characterization of the essential components of religious faith distinguished by Stanisław Judycki (the belief in the existence of God having certain characteristics, the moral attitude of desire for goodness and striving for goodness, trust in God, and the awareness of the presence of God). Finally, the third part of the paper recalls the notions of scientific paradigm and scientific (conceptual) revolution in order to analyze, against this background, papers attempting to apply these concepts of the philosophy of science to the analysis of religious conversion. It was pointed out that the proposals presented capture the specificity of religious conversion to a limited extent, although the notion of paradigm sheds some light on the complexity and centrality of conversion in human life.


religious conversion, conceptual revolution, paradigm, faith, Stanisław Judycki, Thomas Kuhn

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Department of Logic, Institute of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Al Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin, Poland


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