The presence of foreign capital in the banking system of Russia

Helena Żukowska

KUL Lublin , Poland


The aim of the article is to present the evolution of foreign capital presence in the banking system of Russia from the beginning of the transformation period to the beginning of the 20s of the 21st century. The analysis shows that during the 30 years of these transformations in Russia, several different ownership capital flows into the banking system and factors influencing these flows can be highlighted. In the initial period of the transformation, there was a strong pressure on the inflow of foreign capital to the Russian banking sector, which was limited by formal and informal actions by the government and the central bank. The limits set by the government on the presence of foreign capital in the capital of the banking system in order to protect the domestic banking from foreign competition should also be mentioned. Strict procedures for the verification of potential foreign investors by the central bank were aimed at protecting Russian banking against the inflow of speculative capital and the excessive and uncontrolled admission of reliable financial institutions to the banking services market. The upward trend in the share of foreign capital in Russian banking stopped during the banking crisis in 1998, when foreign capital withdrew from Russian fearing losses. In 1999-2008, an increase in the presence of foreign capital can be noticed, which was halted during the global financial crisis as a result of the withdrawal of capital from emerging markets. In the period of 2009-2014, foreign capital in the equity of the Russian banking sector clearly strengthened, but this trend was interrupted by economic sanctions imposed on Russia by the West as a consequence of Russia’s aggressive policy towards Ukraine and the Russian-Ukrainian war. Since 2014, we have witnessed a collapse in the expansion of new financial institutions in the Russian banking sector, and at the same time a strong strengthening of the position of banks with foreign capital, especially those operating on the Russian market for a long time and already firmly embedded in the Russian banking system. These banks enjoy high credibility and are trusted by customers.


banking, foreign capital, Russia

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