Financial behaviour of the unemployed in the light of own research on example of the Municipal Employment Office in Płock


The study aims to identify the factors which determine and differentiate the patterns of financial behaviour of the unemployed. The empirical basis of the problems discussed in the article is the overview of the literature on the subject as well as the findings of the survey conducted among the 350 unemployed registered at the Municipal Labour Office in Płock. It is important to emphasise, however, that the sample was not representative so the conclusions refer only to the group investigated. Theoretical and empirical analyses indicate that the patterns of financial behaviour of the unemployed stem from the influence of socio-demographic factors such as age, education, reasons for registration in the labour office and its length, all of which act with different strength and in a numer of directions. The findings of the research indicate that young people having at least secondary education rated their financial situation better and were more aware of the necessity to make savings. The graduates and the young unemployed whose length of registration at the Labour Office had been short were found to possess the highest monthly rate of savings. The unemployed over 36 years of age experienced challenges regarding financial commitments more frequently and tended to rely on credits and loans.


Financial behavior, financial services, unemployed people

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