Anti-crisis shields as a supporting incentive for SMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic
Jakub Kubiczek
University of Economics in Katowice , Poland
Wojciech Derej
University of Economics in Katowice , Poland
The COVID-19 pandemic has turned out to be a huge challenge for the modern world in many aspects. Among the most important are health, economic and cultural issues. This article raises the issue of counteracting the effects of the pandemic in the economic dimension. In response to the increased risk of an economic crisis, governments of many countries have imposed preventive actions, which have also been introduced in Poland. The article presents the most important issues concerning help programs and instruments of support for companies in response to the pandemic development, with particular reference to the small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) sector. Furthermore, introduction dates of these programs was compared to the pandemic development. The results show that when analyzing the situation in Poland, it is quite difficult to unequivocally evaluate the anti-crisis initiatives. Support instruments prepared for the SME sector show a great variety, but also sometimes a high level of complexity, which may generate difficulties in their effective use in terms of procedural requirements. Thus, it seems justified to consider more universal and simpler aid instruments in the future.
SME, government policy, anti-crises shield, pandemic, COVID-19References
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University of Economics in Katowice

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