Analysis of the Market and Needs of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Sector in Context of Liquidity Management

Kinga Bednarzewska

The Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin , Poland


Theoretical background: this article deals with a market analysis of tools for monitoring and collecting receivables and managing corporate liquidity. It also presents the results of a survey on the problems and needs of liquidity management in the SME sector. Pay ment bottlenecks have been a problem affecting the Polish economy for many years. This phenomenon is gaining in strength. Untimely payments affect the financial liquidity of enterprises. As a result, a so-called chain of debts emerges, whereby if one entity does not receive the money due to it on time, it also does not have the funds with which to pay its own liabilities to another entity. This entity, in turn, has the same problem in relation to another. The result is payment bottlenecks. The reasons for this are varied. Delay in timely payment of obligations may result from the above-mentioned “chain of debts” or from a situation in which the entrepreneur is in dispute over the proper performance of a contract. Instruments supporting the management of corporate liquidity are available on the Polish market, but companies report insufficient functionality and usefulness. Purpose of the article: The research objectives were formulated as follows:
– identification of companies’ liquidity problems and its management,
– analysis of available market solutions for monitoring receivables and debt collection,
– analytical function of IT tools for liquidity management used by companies,
– indicator evaluation focused on using a new IT tool for liquidity management,
– assessment of the indicator related to using the individual functions of the IT tool,
– getting to know companies’ preferred purchase price for the tool,
– identification of the features of IT tools most relevant to the business.
Research methods: Qualitative and quantitative research methods were used. Among the qualitative methods, a diagnostic survey was used. Also, the online survey technique CASI, Computer-Assisted Self-Interviewing, was used, which is part of the quantitative methodology of market and opinion research. The tool used to carry out the research was an online questionnaire aimed at stakeholders. Desk research was also used, consisting of an analysis of already existing, available data on the market for tools for monitoring and collecting receivables and managing corporate liquidity. Research objective: Conducting a survey on liquidity management problems and needs in companies.


Liquidity, debt collection, SME liabilities

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Bednarzewska, K. (2023). Analiza rynku i potrzeb sektora małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w kontekście zarządzania płynnością finansową. Przegląd Prawno-Ekonomiczny, (2), 9–28.

Kinga Bednarzewska
The Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin


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