Chinese Taipei in the Strategic Game of World Powers. Development and Escalation of Tensions in Sino-Taiwanese Relations

Damian Kubicki

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The aim of the study was to approach the complex political and economic situation of Taiwan and its impact on the lives of the island’s residents. A series of historical turmoil and the authoritarian policies of the People’s Republic of China have effectively shaped Taiwanese national identity. The actions taken so far by the Communist Party of China and the totalitarian government of Xi Jinping to unify China have not yielded significant results. Nonetheless, China continues to intensify efforts to unify the country. The rivalry of powers on the international stage in the field of the latest technologies underscores the significant role of the island specializing in the production of advanced semicon­ductors and electronic components. In the era of digitization and artificial intelligence, the United States will take actions in the near future to maintain the status quo and ensure Taiwan remains within their sphere of influence.


People's Republic of China, Chinese Taipei, Taiwanese identity, democracy, authoritarianism, “one country, two systems” doctrine

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Damian Kubicki
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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