Twenty Years of Poland’s Presence in the European Union. Economic Analysis of Economic Development Against the Background of the German Economy
Karol Papka
Independent researcher , Poland
Damian Kubicki
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland
Over the past two decades, Poland’s economy has experienced spectacular growth. The modernisation of infrastructure and the inflow of EU funds have stimulated Poland’s economic growth. The country’s continually modernised economic structure gives hope for a continuation of the process of catching up with the backlog resulting from the Polish People’s Republic (PRL) period. The purpose of this article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the economic development achieved by Poland against the background of the German economy over the past two decades. The analysis was based on key economic indicators such as GDP in real and nominal terms and GDP per capita according to purchasing power parity, which allow for the assessment of the prevailing macroeconomic situation. To complement the conducted research, the changes that have occurred in the economic structures of both countries as a result of post-industrial transformation, were characterized. Additionally, the authors attempt to show how the countries compare economically with other countries in the European Union.
economic development, GDP, economy, Poland, GermanyReferences
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