Institutional concepts of savings for low-income households

Tomasz Potocki

Uniwersytet Rzeszowski , Poland


The main objective of the present article is to present theoretical arguments supporting the following research thesis: “Without institutional support low-income households will not be able to accomplish their short and long-term saving goals due to the specific financial situation”. The article is of both methodical and review character. The critical review of international and domestic sources was applied to answer the research question. Conclusions indicate key institutional criteria which need to be met to support low-income households in their saving objectives.


Households finance, financial choices, institutional saving models, financial tools, behavioural public policy

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Potocki, T. (2020). Instytucjonalne koncepcje wsparcia oszczędzania w gospodarstwach domowych o niskich dochodach. Przegląd Prawno-Ekonomiczny, (1), 41–54.

Tomasz Potocki
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski


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